Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The politics of a massacre

In the aftermath of the Virginia Tech shooting, the left and right are starting to mount an attack and defense respectively on the Second Amendment right to bear arms. Prepare for nothing to happen. Liberal special interest groups are going to attempt to use this tragedy to show the danger of firearms in our society and conservatives are going to counter by saying that if the students were packing, this wouldn’t have happened. For the liberals, I think this argument will die. The gun laws are not going to change, they didn’t after Columbine and this will be no different. The conservative stance is simply ridiculous. Usually in this kind of situation the bad guy is generally easy to spot, they’re the one who is wielding the gun. If everybody starts wielding weaponry, it may become difficult to tell if the person you’re bustin’ a cap in deserves it or not. The escalation of violence would only make matters worse. If everyone having a gun made you safer than the inner-city would be the safest place in America. Massacres like this are an abnormality and can’t be prevented by laws going either way. We must take them as they are. Bad shit just happens sometimes, no need to politicize it.

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